
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Decoupage, not Décolletage

I've always wondered what "decoupage" was.  Not to be confused with "décolletage" (haha), decoupage is the art of decorating different objects with various types of materials (fabric, paper, etc) using glue, paint effects, and different finishes.  Mod Podge is often used for decoupage work, and I have to say, it's some pretty amazing stuff.  I've used it once before to put together a map for my hub's Ticket to Ride game set and as a Mod Podge newbie, I impressed myself!  From making jewelry to sealing puzzle pieces, this stuff is great.

Over the weekend, I decided to Mod Podge a couple of unfinished wooden trays for our home and my work office.  I like to keep things nice and organized--figured these trays would do the trick to keep pens, pencils, notepads, etc all in one place while looking cute at the same time! 

wooden tray (Michael's)
scrapbook paper (I used the thicker kind)
paint brush
Mod Podge (I used satin finish)
paper cutter, scissors, ruler

1 ♥ wipe your tray clean (to remove dust, dirt, etc) and apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the surface.

2 ♥  the strokes should be somewhat even--I didn't do too great a job here, but you get the idea--to make sure the surface is evenly coated.


3 ♥   cut your paper to size and lay it in the tray smoothing out all air bubbles along the way.  you can also add another layer or two on top of the paper which will give it a nice sheen.

4 ♥   let it dry (according to instructions on Mod Podge bottle) and then smile...because this stuff is amazing.

♥  Cute and functional--works for me!

I look forward to adding more Mod Podge projects to my crafting bag o' tricks. Check out the Mod Podge site for tips, tricks, and project ideas.  (Mine was the "Cliff's Notes" version!) Try it--you won't be disappointed!

My excitement for this stuff almost matches my love for Hello Kitty--close, but not quite there--and that says a lot!  

Happy Crafting!

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